We are thrilled to announce our winners for the inaugural Ipsos iris Ace awards.

These awards are designed to celebrate original and effective use of UKOM-endorsed Ipsos iris, the official source of online audience data in the UK.

Zita Wong of The Evening Standard and Charlie Hamer from Goodstuff stole the show and were presented with their awards and a £100 Amazon voucher by Ian Dowds, CEO of UKOM, on August 17. 

Wong’s entry used Ipsos iris Acorn and Fresco segments and stood out because it showed how a quality publisher can demonstrate value in unique audiences and secure revenue on the back of it.

Hamer’s use of Top Towns & Cities data for Checkatrade showed our judges how Ipsos iris data can be used simply and effectively and on an ongoing basis for a client.

Dowds said: “Our winners Zita and Charlie showed immense talent – we hope not only the winners but all the entrants from Ipsos iris’ growing subscriber base will carry on using this UKOM-endorsed data to do standout work.”


The awards are free to enter and work for the award period Q3 2023 (covering July, August and September) should be submitted by Monday 25 September 2023. Our short submission form is here.

Details of the winning entries will be published soon. 

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