Below you will find the most recently published UKOM Ipsos iris monthly data for the UK's top 20 online group properties. Please note that the 'Audience Reach (%)' figure is based on the UK Total Internet Population (15+ yrs), c. 50,108,000 people in December 2024.

Source: Ipsos iris Online Audience Measurement Service, January 2025

Base - All aged 15+ years using PC/laptop, smartphone or tablet device(s) in that month*

*NB Duration (Total Mins (MM) & Avg. Mins PP) not measured for sites or apps running in device background/'out of focus'

  TOTAL INTERNET POPULATION (15+) 50,108 100.00 433,558 8652:31 111,852
1 Alphabet 49,664 99.11 110,939 2233:48 25,754
2 Meta 48,574 96.94 107,184 2206:36 5,106
3 Amazon, Inc 46,272 92.35 10,331 223:15 5,556
4 Microsoft Corporation 43,428 86.67 11,379 262:01 5,717
5 BBC Corporation 39,973 79.77 8,981 224:40 2,945
6 Reach Plc 34,125 68.10 583 17:04 858
7 eBay Inc 32,686 65.23 2,680 81:59 1,053
8 Apple Inc 32,686 65.23 6,716 205:29 221
9 PayPal Inc 32,214 64.29 431 13:23 725
10 J Sainsbury Plc 30,812 61.49 958 31:05 853
11 Sky 29,864 59.60 1,428 47:49 497
12 UK Government 29,482 58.84 639 21:41 799
13 Reddit Inc 29,455 58.78 3,451 117:10 788
14 Bytedance Inc. 28,604 57.09 26,266 918:15 121
15 NHS Sites 27,575 55.03 292 10:35 280
16 Mail Metro Media 27,342 54.57 1,596 58:23 570
17 News UK Sites 26,101 52.09 849 32:32 294
18 Wikimedia Foundation Inc 25,331 50.55 502 19:48 537
19 Spotify Music 24,202 48.30 4,840 200:00 80
20 Tesco Plc 22,955 45.81 585 25:30 285

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