January 2022 Digital Market Overview. Using UKOM approved data from Ipsos iris
This is the first report since Ipsos iris became UKOM’s approved solution for internet audience measurement data.
Welcome to UKOM’s Digital Market Overview for September 2020. The DMO provides a top-line snapshot on audience behaviour in the month, using UKOM approved Comscore multi-platform data which reports audiences and online time across pcs, tablets and smartphones. This report looks at September 2020 and where appropriate compares data with June 2020.
After producing a series of insight pieces focusing on the impact of Covid-19 on UK internet usage, this month UKOM releases a Digital Market Overview for June 2020.
Welcome to UKOM’s Digital Market Overview for December 2019. Using UKOM approved Comscore data, the DMO shares insights into what the UK Population is doing online by providing a top-line snapshot of audience behaviour each quarter.
Digital Market Overview for September 2019. Key insights include: mobile’s share of time online continues to grow, up from 78% in June to 81% in September – driven by smartphones (up from 67% to 71%). Online adults spent on average 3hrs 34mins per day in September 2019...