Insights include: Mobile apps account for 61% of ALL minutes and 83% of MOBILE minutes. Mobile share of time is higher among females (81%) than males (65%). ...
Insights include: Smartphone’s share of online minutes among 18+ is now 59% - smartphone apps alone account for 50% of all online minutes as 81% of all online adults use a mobile app each month. ...
Insights include: Parents spend a greater share of their time online (57%) on smartphones compared to non-parents (47%) but share of time continues to be highest among young adults (63% for 18-24s). ...
Insights include: UKOM reports on over 1700 mobile apps each month but only 20 of them are used by 20% or more of mobile app users each month. ...
UKOM’s quarterly snapshot of digital audience trends provides detailed insights into the UK’s top performing websites, mobile and video properties. Each report includes total Multi-Platform measures (UVs, minutes), as well as breakdowns by device (PC/smartphone/tablet).
Insights include: ¾ of online users are now multi-platform, 8.5% ONLY use a mobile device but 15% still ONLY use a desktop/laptop. ...