Why future-ready beats future-proof in audience measurement

The idea that online audience measurement can somehow be ‘proofed’ against market disruption is wrong. With the imminent launch of Ipsos iris in mind, Katherine Page (pictured below) argues it’s better to learn with the future…

The power of cooperation versus competition

For audience measurement in the digital age, few organisations or JICs can successfully go it alone. David Fletcher looks at how UKOM is finding strength in collaboration

Tagging and Ipsos iris: get started here

Tagging will help ensure that a publisher’s assets, including websites, apps and the content therein (whether text, video or audio), can be fully measured across desktop computers, laptops, tablets and smartphones and are most accurately represented to the marketplace.

Life after lockdown Q&A: “I've enjoyed the challenge of uncertainty and being able to demonstrate the value of agile insight”

UKOM Technical Board member Kate Clarke works with News UK’s commercial, editorial and senior management teams – all seeking insight into the impact of Covid on behaviour and what ‘new normal’ will look like

Tagging and Ipsos iris: a guide for publishers

As of January 2021, Ipsos iris is the new UKOM endorsed solution for online audience measurement

Life after lockdown Q&A: “daily data will help us stay ahead of the curve as the situation stabilises”

Telefónica’s Joe Cox represents ISBA on the UKOM Technical Board. All the Ps - planning, re-planning, privacy and parenting - feature in his Q&A

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